Cross Lane Marsh (IVNR)

This former gravel quarry is only viewable from the riverbank track with no public access from Cross Lane track itself. Its north and eastern boundary has been cleared and is currently fenced off alongside Chainbridge Scrape and Chainbridge Wood for the wildlife trust’s European Beaver enclosure. Little Egrets can often be seen roosting in the woodland strip to the west of this area. The area itself is now scrubbing over and needs managing but has previously been good for breeding waders including Little Ringed Plover, Oystercatcher and Redshank and migrant waders often dropped in here as it is secluded. Common wildfowl breed successfully here and Garganey has been noted here many times. In winter Stonechat can be found feeding here and the areas first confirmed Cetti’s Warbler was recorded here along the riverbank in 2014.


Rarities have included:

  • Red-backed Shrike (1994)
  • Great White Egret (2007 onwards).