Doughty's Pit (Private Fishery)

Grey Phalarope

Access via the public footpath from Lound Low Road running south along its eastern shore and from along the private farm track on the western side again running south from Lound Low Road. Over its long lifetime this private trout fishing lake has been a magnet for many birds including ducks, geese, passage waders and terns and is a key site to find resident Little Grebe and Red-crested Pochard. In winter months several hundred Wigeon and many geese can often be found grazing the banks. The steep scrubby bank and young plantation on the eastern fence line holds breeding Linnet and Long-tailed Tit and a good selection of other resident and summer passerines. Sheep fields to the west of the lake and beside Doughty’s Farm hold good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing in winter months and Little Owl can sometimes be found on fallen Willows in this area.


Rarities here have included:

  • Killdeer (1981)
  • Grey Phalarope (1983)
  • Pectoral Sandpiper (1983)
  • Slavonian Grebe (1985)
  • Whiskered Tern (2003)
  • Gull-billed Tern (2015)