Parish Park

A pair of Gadwall

Privately managed by Lound Parish Council

This area is managed by the local parish council for the benefit of residents of the village. Access to study birdlife is strictly by invitation only from Lound Parish Council. The lakes here hold breeding Little Grebe and Red-crested Pochard plus more common species such as Great Crested Grebe, Tufted Duck and Gadwall. Passerines here include Willow Tit (now rare), Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Reed Warbler. Turtle Dove is sometimes found here and probably breed in suitable nearby hedgerows.


Rarities have included:

  • Golden Oriole
  • Wryneck
  • Honey Buzzard.


Scarce species have included:

  • Nightjar
  • Common Redpoll
  • Nightingale (former breeder)
  • Osprey.